In reverse chronological order, since that's how picasa seems to post the pictures to the blog... here is Renee being an angel child on our flight back home, she napped almost the entire flight!
This bunny of Renee's always makes me laugh, if you remember many months ago I think I posted some pics from when Renee had snuggled her bunny under a dishtowel... this is the same bunny, now smooshed in the back pocket of an airline seat- still so cute and hilarious! Maybe it's just me, but I can't stop giggling! The name of this bunny is either Bunny Town, or Baby Flora, or sometimes just "bunny".
That's our jet outside getting ready for all the passengers to board! Renee strikes a pose while we watch all the airplanes.
Yup, you know what this one is :) THAT's a belly!
Harlan's new haircut!
Courtesy of Auntie Kelly, Harlan got a trim- I might have put him in a headlock to let me do it, but he didn't protest much once we got started :)
My best friend Lori invited us to come and ride her horse Viktor- what a treat!! Here Renee shows off with no hands!
Now she's flying!
Pretty good balance!
Katy got to ride, too, and what a blast, since it's been at least 10 years since she's had a chance to ride!
Harlan wasn't so sure about riding, but as soon as he got off he told his mom he wants them to buy a horse! Yeah, he liked it!
Wait a minute- all by herself?!!
Lori, Viktor and Renee!
My baby sister Julia and her boyfriend Jordan!
We went to the Point Defiance Zoo!
One of the best exhibits was feeding the budgies! (Is that just another name for parakeet?)
This one you've got to see on video! Popa and Renee riding the camel! Did you know camels can carry up to 1000lbs with out any trouble at all? "Unfortunately" pregnant people were not allowed to ride :)
One of the best slides ever invented is at the zoo, the kids went down over and over again!
Harlan is on the right side, Renee is on the left- zoom!
Lemurs all snuggled up on a chilly afternoon!
In Lemur families, mom is the boss!
More silliness!
Auntie Katy painted Renee's fingernails- Renee has been wanting someone to do that with her for so long!
Watch out Harlan!
Aww, cousins snuggling!
Harlan "enjoyed" the smoothie Aunt Kelly made- yuck, look at the monster!
Lori and Kelly, BFF!
Sitting on the beach eating lunch at Lori's cabin on the water!
An absolutely perfect day to be at the beach!
Lori's husband, Jose, was generous enough to take Renee for a ride on the kayak! She got to see a jellyfish, a starfish and a crab!
Looks like they went pretty far out!
Getting loaded into the kayak with her little life vest!
One of the best treats of all was getting to visit Kelly's old horse, Petra!
Petra and Little Boom sniff Renee to see if she has any more treats!
Hmm, does Petra remember me?
Julie and Mom (WOW!) :)
One of my favorite pictures! Katy, Harlan and Renee having a great time!
Badminton was a blast! Granny was very patient while Renee tried to figure out how to serve and hit the birdie!
Watch out- where's the birdie?
I think Auntie Katy was helping Renee dress up like a princess... it got pretty silly obviously!
The three sisters goofing around! Yes we did miss each other! Notice the huge dog in the foreground? That is Hank the Tank! I wish I'd gotten better pictures of him, he's such a sweet dog, but so massive!!
Jordan was so patient with the kids! Here he's helping them play with an erector set.
Granny and Popa were so excited to see Renee again!
Our first family dinner!
Renee listening with headphones to the radio on the airplane, and being silly with her momma! Let me tell you- bringing these headphones for Renee was one of the best things I could have done- it kept her entertained and quiet for HOURS during the flight! Pretty much the best $20 I've ever spent!
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