John was listening to a program called "On Point with Tom Ashbrook" on his way through Iowa to meet his brother Jeremy today and called into a national program to share his thoughts on "Israel, Gaza, and Hamas." He gave his thoughts to the screener and was put in the queue and actually made it on the air! He even didn't do all that badly, considering he was receiving instructions from his GPS to navigate thorough Des Moines (don't try that at home, kids:-)
Follow this link and click the "Listen to this show" button to hear it. John's call was taken at the 33:30 point, if you want to fast forward, though the entire show was very interesting and we recommend you give it a listen if you have time.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas in Yankton #4
Renee playing quietly with her new dollhouse.
All the grandchildren! Back row: Melena, Corissa, Jackson. Front row: Adriano, Renee, Griffin, Sofia and Gavin.
Cousins dancing!
Christmas in Yankton #3
Jackson, Gavin and Sofia getting ready to go to the hotel.
Daddy and Renee snuggling.
Gavin on the hunt.
Renee showing off her new book!
Christmas dinner table!
Christmas in Yankton #2
The kids' table with Adriano, Melena, Sofia, and Renee.
Adriano shares his Batman toys with Melena, Sofia and Renee.
Band of brothers: Tim, Jeremy, John and Tom.
Adriano watches Renee's new train set.
Renee tap dancing.
Christmas in Yankton #1
Singing Christmas carols on Christmas Eve!
Renee and Auntie Concetta practicing piano together.
Adriano and Renee in the tubby.
Renee dancing while John and Tim play Rock Band.
Boogie cat, Renee and Grammie snuggling.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Driving in a blizzard from Cedar Falls, IA to Yankton, SD
This is why I can never stay mad at Renee
Who knows why mothers get mad at their kids? I have already forgotten most of what happened in the last 5 minutes, so trying to remember the exact details of yesterday is asking a lot, but I remember feeling grumpy and frustrated. As I recall I was trying to get Renee ready for bed, or something like that, a typical battle between mother and toddler. Then John told me to look at the floor of Renee's room, and as you can see above, it is just so silly and cute! Seeing her little bunny (usually named "Baby") going "ni-night" on her pillow and tucked in so carefully with a dishtowel as a blanket- I can't help but smile and I can't possibly stay grumpy. I even had to put this picture as the background on my cell phone, so I can always be reminded of my silly goose!
When Renee was finally ready to get into bed, we realized she didn't have her pillow (because "Baby" was using it) so I let her take one of the big pillows from Mommy and Daddy's bed. Renee said the big pillow was "very good for ears". She loved the way the big pillow snuggled her ears! So punky!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
There's a storm coming
Our Winter Storm Warning starts tonight, Thursday at 9pm. As of now (about 8pm), though it's still a lovely night, we can see the bright blue storm on the radar screen coming our way very soon. The forecast is for lots of snow, maybe 10 inches? And probably lots of ice. So I thought it would be fun for anyone interested to take a look at the animated radar history for these next 24 hours. Sometime on Friday, click on this link then go to the lower right side of the page and look for "radar archive". The clouds of blue are the snow storm. We'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dear readers, it was recently brought to my attention that posting comments on chun-beeks is not all that easy. I apologize, I had not paid much attention to *how* to do comments. Now I see that part of the reason this beautiful blog doesn't cost me a dime is because the host obviously wants people to sign up for Gmail, or google email. I obviously already have one of those accounts, and I love it, but I don't want to force anyone to sign up for stuff they don't really want or need. Please notice that the comments section is now open to anonymous writers. We'd love to hear your thoughts, and that should eliminate the major hurdle. If you do post anonymously, don't be shy, include your name! There are other options for including your name, too, so play with it if you want, but most importantly, keep in touch!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Photo release
Proud parents, Kelly and John would like to announce that the Cedar Valley Arboretum and Botanic Gardens have requested to use a photo of their daughter, Renee, in some of their upcoming marketing material! (photo to be uploaded soon!) We just got a letter in the mail today asking for our permission and if we also plan to do another community garden in 2009. Absolutely! For those of you who haven't been there yet, it's just fantastic! Please come visit us sometime between June and September and we will happily take you for a tour! They have an outstanding children's garden, a few ponds with goldfish you can watch, rose garden, hosta garden and more. We volunteered this year with the community garden, an area where they set aside 10ft x 10ft plots for members of the community to design a garden and grow it any way they wish. Oh, it's fantastic! They have the best soil I've ever dug my hands into! Any pictures of Renee in the slideshow with bright flowers were probably taken at the Arboretum. This summer Renee and I went pretty much every week to check on our "baby flowers", play in the dino-dig sand box, and participate in activities like story time and snake feeding. Our favorite thing to do was bring lunch with us and sit at the tables in the shade enjoying the beautiful, quiet scenery.
Have some fun and eat it, too!
Today the kids from the Stay At Home Mom's group all got together for a little holiday party. You must see Renee's candy creation: a yummy gingerbread house! I honestly have no idea how much candy she ate this morning.. :) But she had such a wonderful time picking out her favorite candies, spreading the frosting and deciding on the decorating details- I'm glad I remembered to bring the camera!
Baby it's cold outside
So you can imagine our surprise at the drop in temperature this past Sunday. It started off in the low 40's, snow and ice melting away- grass peeping through, roads all clear. Then Sunday night it dropped a total of 50 degrees- to below 0! This morning at 9am the temperature was actually 0. And this picture is proof. Keep in mind that is a south facing window in the sun, so factoring in windchill and shade makes it feel even colder! Walking the dog now is a real test of our nerves. I highly recommend a little hot tottie to accompany one on these cold outings. Thank you to my dear friend and fellow dog walker for that great idea! Our beverage of choice is a little rum with eggnog. Ahh, now that feels better, doesn't it?
Paw park in the snow
Greetings friends. Welcome to a day at the Paw Park in Cedar Falls, Iowa. This is pretty much Apollo's favorite place, especially if some of his favorite doggie friends happen to be there, too! This picture was taken this past Sunday morning, and it was actually very warm, about 42 degrees that morning. All the melting snow and ice were making a slushy puddle mess, which Renee had fun slashing her boots in. If you look carefully you can see her getting some doggie kisses!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Nnenna Freelon
Just wanted to share a vocalist I'm enraptured with, Nnenna Freelon. Found her by listening to a Rhapsody Christmas radio station, and had to find out more. The album I heard was A Concord Jazz Christmas Vol. 2, track #14 is "Spiritual Medley". I just added her most recent album Better Than Anything to our current listening list on the sidebar of the blog. Listen!
Tree ornament
A little chuckle for everyone I hope, when you read this story. Last night Renee was getting ready for bed, taking off her shoes, getting in to pajamas, going potty one more time, and preparing to brush her teeth. The only problem was that her toothbrush was missing. She had been playing with it earlier on the table, but of course it wasn't there now. It wasn't in the bathroom where it belonged, and Renee couldn't remember where she left it. After a few minutes of searching I gave up and decided we'd just get her a new toothbrush tomorrow, and she went to bed. Then as I'm standing near the computer talking with John later that night, something catches my eye on a bough of our Christmas tree, so I told John, "Hey look at that unique ornament on the tree!" It was the missing toothbrush. Well, well, the dentist might be proud of her decorations!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Snow fort and snow cookies
The long awaited picture of the SNOW FORT! We tried to build up the snow fort, since it was actually in the mid 20's today (that feels relatively warm as long as there's no wind), however the snow is now too dry, or has too much ice in it, so it won't compact to make snow creatures or snow forts. Then Renee made "snow cookies"! We added icy "eggs" and "sugar", and then you can see her stir the batter in the bucket which was our bowl. Renee was inspired to make snow cookies because we've been baking lots of Christmas cookies yesterday and today for John to take to work and me to take to my Stay At Home Mom's meeting. Recipes to follow!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Will play for hugs
Renee was displaying her prowess with the ukulele this evening, and we captured the moment on video. Enjoy!
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Some funny December days
Friday, December 5, 2008
I am slacker
SO it's been almost a week since our last post. To those who crave a little chun-beeks every day, I apologize, and I thank you for reading. Thank you especially to Julia, who finally wrote me an email at least to tell me to post on the blog again! Good call.
Here's what's been happening this week: Monday and Tuesday "post-travel-weekend recovery days" (we had a great Thanksgiving in Lincoln, NE) aka do laundry, go grocery shopping, plan menus for the week. We were hoping to hear from our real estate agent with news about our bank approving the offer we received for our house (long story, but most of you know the details). No word from them, yet. Then Wednesday through tomorrow (Saturday) Kelly and Renee have been babysitting all day for a local family of 4 girls: ages 3, 5, 12 and 13 years old. The older girls pretty much take care of themselves so it's the little girls we spend most of our time with, but they all have activities, preschool, gymnastics, tennis, school projects, etc. It's been a fun week so far for Renee having the other two little girls, Ava and Kendall, to play with! We also have lots of snow, and it's been a little chilly, around 17 degrees during the day and colder at night. Hopefully this weekend I can get pictures of Renee and Daddy's snow fort for you! I have a funny story to share about John's Christmas shopping, but it will wait until after Christmas, since it involves gifts that some of you reading might receive.
Oh, not to be forgotten, I have been researching info for the Wartburg Community Symphony. It's a little orchestra in a small town just north of here called Waverly, IA. I recently joined the Development Committee through a good friend of mine who knew they needed a volunteer, and at my first meeting I took on the task of researching "How to start an Annual Fund" for the orchestra. To do that, I emailed my two favorite trumpet teachers and reached out to the local orchestras in our area for advice. I had a nice meeting on Tuesday this week with the Executive Director of the Waterloo Cedar Falls Symphony Orchestra (she even let me bring Renee!), and I have a phone meeting scheduled later this month with the Executive Director of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. A very huge "Thank you" to my old trumpet teacher Bill Lucas for the hook-up with the DSO! I'm learning a lot, and I hope someday this will help lead me into a career in orchestra management. Mostly it just feels good to be needed. Isn't that all we ever really crave?
P.S. I got a phone call the other day while babysitting. The woman who called was looking for the folks who weren't home, but then she said, "Oh you do babysitting overnight? Gosh it's so hard to get a weekend away sometimes. Do you ever watch kids for people you don't know? Maybe I should get your number?" I laughed and told her I'm just a trumpet teacher, and I bring my 2 1/2 year old daughter with me, and that maybe she should ask for a recommendation after this weekend to see if she really wants to hire me. But it did get me thinking, it might be a good way to earn a little extra cash...? This time anyway! Kelly as "nanny" ...I never would have imagined that in my career profile!
Here's what's been happening this week: Monday and Tuesday "post-travel-weekend recovery days" (we had a great Thanksgiving in Lincoln, NE) aka do laundry, go grocery shopping, plan menus for the week. We were hoping to hear from our real estate agent with news about our bank approving the offer we received for our house (long story, but most of you know the details). No word from them, yet. Then Wednesday through tomorrow (Saturday) Kelly and Renee have been babysitting all day for a local family of 4 girls: ages 3, 5, 12 and 13 years old. The older girls pretty much take care of themselves so it's the little girls we spend most of our time with, but they all have activities, preschool, gymnastics, tennis, school projects, etc. It's been a fun week so far for Renee having the other two little girls, Ava and Kendall, to play with! We also have lots of snow, and it's been a little chilly, around 17 degrees during the day and colder at night. Hopefully this weekend I can get pictures of Renee and Daddy's snow fort for you! I have a funny story to share about John's Christmas shopping, but it will wait until after Christmas, since it involves gifts that some of you reading might receive.
Oh, not to be forgotten, I have been researching info for the Wartburg Community Symphony. It's a little orchestra in a small town just north of here called Waverly, IA. I recently joined the Development Committee through a good friend of mine who knew they needed a volunteer, and at my first meeting I took on the task of researching "How to start an Annual Fund" for the orchestra. To do that, I emailed my two favorite trumpet teachers and reached out to the local orchestras in our area for advice. I had a nice meeting on Tuesday this week with the Executive Director of the Waterloo Cedar Falls Symphony Orchestra (she even let me bring Renee!), and I have a phone meeting scheduled later this month with the Executive Director of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. A very huge "Thank you" to my old trumpet teacher Bill Lucas for the hook-up with the DSO! I'm learning a lot, and I hope someday this will help lead me into a career in orchestra management. Mostly it just feels good to be needed. Isn't that all we ever really crave?
P.S. I got a phone call the other day while babysitting. The woman who called was looking for the folks who weren't home, but then she said, "Oh you do babysitting overnight? Gosh it's so hard to get a weekend away sometimes. Do you ever watch kids for people you don't know? Maybe I should get your number?" I laughed and told her I'm just a trumpet teacher, and I bring my 2 1/2 year old daughter with me, and that maybe she should ask for a recommendation after this weekend to see if she really wants to hire me. But it did get me thinking, it might be a good way to earn a little extra cash...? This time anyway! Kelly as "nanny" ...I never would have imagined that in my career profile!
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