Today would be a good day to just stay in our pajamas all day, Renee and I are both "lazy bones"! But we did finally drag ourselves outside to take Apollo for a walk. In my attempt to be a responsible dog owner I thought it would be a good idea to put on Apollo's "mittens", so his feet wouldn't get all caked up with snow. Today, though, our snow is very dry, and actually looks like little tiny pebbles, so he probably didn't need them at all. And the really funny part is watching Apollo walk with his footwear- he picks up his feet very high since he's not comfortable wearing them. So we walked to the park and Monster ran around like a crazy dog in the snow, and of course lost two of his doggie mittens. After finally tracking them down we came back home.

Daddy is working today and while I chatted on the phone with him, Renee helped herself to a little snack- of cream cheese. She got a little kid plastic knife out of the drawer all by herself, found the box of cream cheese and climbed up into her chair and was very content to lick the cream cheese off the knife. Of course as a parent I thought it was such a funny idea for a snack, but it totally makes sense from her perspective! My little independent girl, what an interesting way to solve her hunger!
1 comment:
Yo Yo my snowy midwestern friends. Just got a call from John and got the link. I will now be a vey avid reader and poster. I only demand a 30% take of the profits when you accept your book deal for your memoir. All is well down here, no snow, was actully a balmy 61! Steph is working on a stocking for Olivia and is close to finishing it up.
Then I get one of my own! If you google Bucilla bonfire bears then you can see what mine will look like. Steph is a spectacular craftster. Well it is getting close to my old man bed time. See you later and get some hot cocoa!
Little Man
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