The Schtick currently has original members (and brothers) John, Jeremy and Tim, plus a few new ringers to fill in for drums, bass and other rhythm section needs. They will be performing for Jeremy's brother-in-law's wedding reception in early June. Unfortuantely no paparazzi were permitted into any of the rehearsals, I'm sure for fear of them being caught partying more than practicing! Although we don't have any pictures of them to share yet, the band did release an official statement this week saying that rehearsals "sound good" so far. Their groopies (a.k.a. wives and immediate family members) are very excited for the upcoming wedding and performance!

On the road between Lincoln and Cedar Falls, Daddy hooked up Renee's new "Leap Frog Learning Pad" to some headphones.

Thankfully we didn't have to hear her clicking on the same alphabet letter over, and over, and over, and over again! She sure does look tech-ed out though!

Playing in the backyard at Sofia and Melena's house! Cousin Posie came over and the weather turned out to be great!

(Renee's mom wasn't heeding caution about kids having lollipops while playing!) Melena and Renee played very nicely together on the swing set!

Time for the egg hunt! Melena and Sofia were fast and furious!

Renee took her time, but had a ball!

Again, all tech-ed out! Renee is watching a movie (probably her new favorite, Pinocchio) during the drive home. We sure didn't have anything like that when were were kids!
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